CS750 Programming crashes

My programming software crashes and says cant open or cant create xlsx files or something like that when I try to import contacts from a 700 codeplug.  I was following directions from the file conversion utility CS700 Data Exporter.

Any others have same issue?  I thought it was discussed here earlier.  I just got on the list recently.

Your problem is not having Excel installed.  I use Open Office.  I ordered a copy of Office96 off EBay.

I use LibreOffice which is free, and import works great.


  1. Jeffrey6/17/2015

    I am having the same issue. I had OpenOffice already installed and then downloaded LibreOffice and still the same issue. Any behind the scenes tricks??

  2. When the CS750 CPS attempts to import/export channels or contacts it requires MS Excell to be installed on the computer, it can use Open Office, Libre etc but Excell must be installed first, without it the CPS crashes.


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