CS-750 Firmware reboot issue

I have had my CS-750 for a few weeks now, just noticed today that the radio is sometimes going through some random reboot process while just sitting there monitoring.  I heard some tones and looked up and the radio for some reason just rebooted itself.  Anyone else having this issue?

Sorry I forgot the firmware version in my original post.  Firmware 1.00,32, I updated to that a few weeks ago.  This issue just started at random today.
Had that problem on the old FW. Have you done the update?

No mine only does the reboot when I try and open up contacts. Other then that mine does not reboot.

Yes updated to 1.00.32 since it is a stable update.  Didn't want to go to .34 until it was released and tested.


  1. 2006034 Re: CS-750 reboot issue! (Posted/copied from csidmr)


    CS750 I have two radios updated and cloned the same with the following CPS and updates:

    CPS = V3.03.26
    Windows 7 Ultimate, w/ Service Pack 1
    Firmware = S1.00.36
    Bootloader = D2.00
    Database Version = 3.1.01

    I observed an automatic Reboot in both CS750 radios every 13 seconds while the radio is tuned to both analog duplex and simplex channels.

    This channel "Alias" label was too long (16 characters) so when it displays in the text window of each CS750 radio the label shifts back and forth so as to be able to display the full Channel "Alias" label.

    I cured the shifting of the text in the window by using a shorter label (less than 15 characters) and I re-checked both CS750 radios to see if the "rebooting" on those specific channels stopped. Note: It was not rebooting on all analog duplex and simplex channels -- only the channels with the "Alias" labels with 16 characters long. When I used a shorter alias label the shifting stopped --- but more importantly-- the rebooting stopped too!

    Problem: (Just sayin what I observed) When the alias label stopped shifting in order to display a 16 character alias label in the CS750 so did the rebooting which only occurred on the channel(s) with the longer alias labels.

    Question for the Technical Experts: Is there power or electrical issue which occurs when the radio display is shifting in order to display a 16 character channel "alias" label? I've seen others write about this issue but I did not see or read how it was resolved.

    If not an electrical or power issue -- is the reboot every 13 seconds simply a programming conflict in the firmware causing the radio to shut down and reboot (like a computer crashing) every 13 seconds indefinitely in an attempt to shift the text of the channel alias back and forth ... because it was 16 characters long (within reported specifications) but in reality ... about 2 characters too long. It doesn't shift or reboot with a 14 character long channel alias.

    For now, it seems that shorting the channel alias label from 16 characters (including spaces) to 14 characters stopped the shifting (which one would expect to see) but also stopped the rebooting every 13 seconds which occurred only on the analog channels with the longer channel alias labels.

    Ted, kb7ylu

  2. Anonymous7/14/2015

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous7/14/2015

    [General Selttings => Setting => Save
    You could see the corresponding file for detail information:]

    There are two check boxes under "Save" and they are both checked by default:

    1. Save Preamble
    2. Save Mode Receive

    ***After reading the help file, It looks to me like you want me to uncheck both boxes. Is this correct? ***

    The fact that you removed one check mark or both check marks and it now works is sufficient information to say that problem is caused by the power save.


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